SHOOT - Art Deco at Mont du Soleil

Art Deco lovers are in for a treat. This incredible editorial honours the era’s jewellery, styling and fashion.

The shoot features our, Tara, Polly, Sabine, Jasmine 4, Emma, Marissa and Norma gowns.

Make up | Joanna Blair

Hair | Victoria Mua

Styling | Melissa Maier

Photography | Jessica Abby Photography 

Florals | Laurel and Grace Design

Gowns | Gwendolynne 

Millinery Headbands | Richard Nylon 

Jewellery | Keshett 

Headpieces | Jeanette Maree 

Models | Mikaela Jade Schreuder, Natalia Kalinowski, Soph Riva 

Location | Mont du Soleil

Dress Styles | #gwendolynnetara #gwendolynneelke & #gwendolynnepolly

Emma Gwendolynne Wedding Dress  JessicaAbbyartdecoWEB-9241.jpg
Elke Gwendolynne Wedding Dress JessicaAbbyartdecoWEB-09.jpg
Elke Gwendolynne Wedding Dress JessicaAbbyartdecoWEB-8843.jpg
Ema and Marissa Gwendolynne Wedding Dress _DSC9378.jpg
Emma Gwendolynne Wedding Dress  JessicaAbbyartdecoWEB-9424.jpg
Marissa Gwendolynne Wedding Dress  JessicaAbbyartdecoWEB-9433.jpg
Flowers JessicaAbbyartdecoWEB-8163.jpg
Marissa and Emma Gwendolynne Wedding Dress  _DSC9273.jpg
Flowers JessicaAbbyartdecoWEB-9191.jpg
Jasmine 4 Gwendolynne Wedding Dress  JessicaAbbyartdecoWEB-9158.jpg
Emma Gwendolynne Wedding Dress  _DSC9429.jpg
Marissa Gwendolynne Wedding Dress  _DSC9304.jpg
Marissa and Emma Gwendolynne Wedding Dress  _DSC9388.jpg
Marissa and Emma Gwendolynne Wedding Dress  _DSC9394.jpg
Norma and Elke Gwendolynne Wedding Dress  _DSC9009.jpg
Norma and Elke Gwendolynne Wedding Dress JessicaAbbyartdecoWEB-89.jpg
Norma and Elke Gwendolynne Wedding Dress  JessicaAbbyartdecoWEB-9035.jpg
Norma and Elke Gwendolynne Wedding Dress JessicaAbbyartdecoWEB-8885.jpg
Norma Back Gwendolynne Wedding Dress _DSC9045.jpg
Norma Gwendolynne Wedding Dress  JessicaAbbyartdecoWEB-9109.jpg
Norma Gwendolynne Wedding Dress  JessicaAbbyartdecoWEB-9099.jpg
Polly amongst Gwendolynne Wedding Dress  JessicaAbbyartdecoWEB-8639.jpg
Polly and Tara Gwendolynne Wedding Dress  JessicaAbbyartdecoWEB-8257.jpg
Polly and Tara Gwendolynne Wedding Dress _DSC8315.jpg
Polly and Tara JessicaAbbyartdecoWEB-8305.jpg
Polly and Tara JessicaAbbyartdecoWEB-8249.jpg
Polly Back Gwendolynne Wedding Dress  _DSC8774.jpg
Flowers JessicaAbbyartdecoWEB-9205.jpg
Polly Back Gwendolynne Wedding Dress  JessicaAbbyartdecoWEB-8387.jpg
Polly Front Gwendolynne Wedding Dress  JessicaAbbyartdecoWEB-8410.jpg
Polly Gwendolynne Wedding Dress  JessicaAbbyartdecoWEB-8395.jpg
Polly Gwendolynne Wedding Dress  JessicaAbbyartdecoWEB-8423.jpg
Polly Gwendolynne Wedding Dress  JessicaAbbyartdecoWEB-8403.jpg
Polly Gwendolynne Wedding Dress  JessicaAbbyartdecoWEB-8444.jpg
Polly Gwendolynne Wedding Dress  JessicaAbbyartdecoWEB-8509.jpg
Polly Gwendolynne Wedding Dress  JessicaAbbyartdecoWEB-8361.jpg
Polly amongst Gwendolynne Wedding Dress  JessicaAbbyartdecoWEB-8639.jpg
Tara Polly and Elke Gwendolynne Wedding Dress  JessicaAbbyartdecoWEB-8658.jpg
Shoe details JessicaAbbyartdecoWEB-8810.jpg
Tara Elke and Polly Gwendolynne Wedding Dress  JessicaAbbyartdecoWEB-8748.jpg
Norma and Elke Gwendolynne Wedding Dress JessicaAbbyartdecoWEB-8885.jpg
Norma and Elke Gwendolynne Wedding Dress  JessicaAbbyartdecoWEB-9035.jpg
Norma Gwendolynne Wedding Dress  JessicaAbbyartdecoWEB-9099.jpg
Norma Gwendolynne Wedding Dress  JessicaAbbyartdecoWEB-9109.jpg
Setting JessicaAbbyartdecoWEB-9057.jpg
Polly and Tara JessicaAbbyartdecoWEB-8249 SQUARE .jpg